1st Solo show in Insadong in Korea.
인사동 성보갤러리
2010. 1. 20(수) ~ 2010. 1. 26(화, 오전까지)
10am ~ 6:30pm
My first solo show in Seoul, which was awesome.
갤러리에 들려주셨던 분들께 감사드립니다, 시간 나시면 또 놀러오세요^^
기억에 남는 분들이 너무 많네요, 여러분, 우리 꼬옥 100% 엔젤로 살아요~
Thanks for visiting my comic blog 'DEAR ANNE'.
My name is Hyesu and I'm an illustrator work and live in NY. These are my daily comics that I did to share my experiences in NY with my dear friend Anne Emond who is also an illustrator (http://anneemond.com) from 2011 through 2012. Hope you enjoy them!
You can also reach me at
(646) 238 7445